
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Human Immortality

 Scientist to make man immortal by 2045.


Equipping human with the ability to overcome death and live forever, absolutely sounds like an interesting but sort of weird idea.This concept has however ceased to exist as just a figment of laymen imagination.
A decisive scientific approach to achieve this has been launched by Dmitry Itskov along with some other Russian scientist.The project was launched in February,2011.The objectives were highlighted as follow: The creation of a new vision of human development that meets the global challenges humanity faces today,realization of the possibilty of a radical extension of human life by use of cybernetic technology,as well as building a new culture associated with these technologies.
According to the projects official  website, they are working towards creating an international research center where leading scientist will be engaged in research and developments in the field of anthropometric robotics.
To visit the 2045 official website click here    

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Human Cloning Beckons : American Scientist creates the First set of Genetic modified babies 

 Genetic modified babies are also known as "designer babies".They are designer babies indeed because their genetic make up has been artificially selected through a combination of both genetic engineering and in-vitro fertilization, to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes and characteristics. The technical capacity to carry out this have been available since 1980, but it has never been carried out until recently when controversial American Embryologist, Jacques Cohen took the entire world of science by suprise,He recently lead a team of scientist that created 30 healthy babies after a series of experiments in the United states. So far, two of the babies have been tested and have been found to contain genes from three 'parents'. Fifteen of the children were born in the past three years as a result of one experimental programme at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St Barnabas in New Jersey. The babies were born to women who had problems conceiving. Extra genes from a female donor were inserted into their eggs before they were fertilised in an attempt to enable them to conceive. Genetic fingerprint tests on two one-year- old children confirm that they have inherited DNA from three adults --two women and one man. The fact that the children have inherited the extra genes and incorporated them into their 'germline' means that they will, in turn, be able to pass them on to their own offspring.controversy.Genetic modification has been a subject of furious controversies over the past decades.Libertarians, liberal technophiles and transhumanist believes that it is imperative to improve the society by improving the health, Intelligence and physical capabilities of individuals.Opponents of the experiment oppose experimenting with human embryo because of the risk of abortion which is an inevitable consequence of such experiments, some opponents also believe it could lead to the creation of Super Humans that would look down on other humans without genetic enhancement.Those were the various contrasting school of thoughts. What is however important to us now is that "the world has now welcomed the latest form of humans and they were rolled out from the baby factory of Professor Jacques Cohen". Science enthusiast must also be aware that this great feat may as well usher us to the most incredible broadway of biological sciences, which is the creation of human clones. This was hinted by Jacques, when he said last year that his expertise will allow him clone children. " It will be an afternoon work for one of my students, he said. Adding that he had been approached by 3 individuals wishing to clone children but turned down their requests". .....It might just be a matter of time before we have super humans descending on our planet earth! !! courtesy of far reaching scientific exploits.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Health news: Intrigues from the Obamacare  supreme court ruling

In an historic decision,the supreme court on thursday decided to uphold the United states president's plan to overhaul the health care law.The decision is expected to affect every sector of the American healthcare industry,it is expected that by 2015 when the  law comes into full effect,millions of Americans must have a health insurance or pay a fine.This boils down to a huge patronage for healthcare providers.
The law however tends to steer up several mixed feelings, with some of its components been vehemently criticized,yet it appears popular and highly acclaimed among poorer Americans who feels its a way of bringing health care closer to their doorsteps.The Republicans have vowed to repeal the entire law.
for further reading visit this link below:  

How To Overcome Menstrual Pain

Menstrual cramps could be very severe and unbearable in several women.This is not something you probably get used to,despite the fact that you have it on a monthly basis.Hence it becomes a very terrifying visitor for several pre menopausal women.This shouldn't necessarily be the case,as you could ensure you bleed seamlessly and not have pains during your periods.

What exactly causes the pain?

Menstrual pain is due to the contraction of the uterus as it tries to slough off the additional layers it has prepared for implantation of a possibly fertilized egg.So if your egg possibly got fertilized by a spermatozoa,then you are cramp free and you wont see your period ! and thats pregnancy or conception by the way !.  Once there is no fertilized egg,then there is bound to be sloughing off of those already endometrial tissue,and thats the blood you get to see.The excess contraction of the uterine muscle causes the pain which may range from mild to moderate in different women. 

How to avoid & cure mentrual pain

I will enumerate a number of steps to achieve a pain free menstruation and you can now say goodbye to the monthly terror after reading this article :


A.Taking a healthy diet 

This includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as plenty of water. Attempt to keep track of how particular foods affect your period. Plenty of fiber is particularly useful in cleansing the body of excess estrogen (which can lead to heavier and more painful periods and cramps).

BAvoid lotions, shampoos and soaps that contains xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens

Some new scientific evidence points to xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens actually causing menstrual cramps. Xenoestrogens are simply "foreign"estrogens that are not really estrogen but mimic estrogen. Xenoestrogens can be chemicals present in items used in every day life such as lotions, shampoos, and laundry detergent. Phytoestrogens are plant estrogen's that can be found in some herbs.Xenoestrogens and Phytoestrogens can cause Magnesium and Vitamin B deficiencies. A Magnesium deficiency can cause muscles to cramp.

c. Taking Vitamin supplements can be helpful

Some studies indicate that Vitamin E, thiamine and Omega-3 supplements may reduce menstrual cramps. Zinc and calcium have been found to reduce cramps, bloating and related PMS symptoms.Calcium and magnesium reduce muscle soreness, but must be taken for 2-3 months every day before producing a noticeable effect.

d. Some very severe menstrual pain may actually be a pointer to other diseases condition

Menstrual cramps can be caused by an underlying disorder such as endometriosis or fibroids, in which case the surgical removal of tissue may be required to help alleviate your symptoms.In case your pain has become too severe,or you bleed when its not your period(intermenstrual bleeding),your bleeding has become too heavy or you noticed other changes in your bleeding pattern,then you may have to see your doctor for further investigation.

e.Use your natural pain killer

Are you worried about over-use of traditional pain-killers, or they are not available, you may also wish to make use of the body's own pain-management mechanisms.
1.     Distract yourself from the pain. Distraction is one of the most powerful and readily available painkillers. So if you have intense cramps, do something that normally totally absorbs you, such as socializing with good friends, reading a book, playing a computer game, or spending time on facebook.
     Get regular exercise. Exercise increases your overall serotonin levels. Serotonin is the body's own painkiller, and also makes us feel happier.
      Sexual activities do help anything with the menstrual cycle. Try to get as much as possible. Orgasm releases oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions, which eases pain.Say goodbye to the myths of avoiding sexual feelings or actions once you are menstruating,as it could actually be of help.
A. Using the right pain killer "appropriately"

Not every pain killer can cure menstrual pain.Only 
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs), medicines such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin etc.), naproxen (Aleve), diclofenac,piroxicam or even aspirin are effective,and this is because the mechanism of action of NSAIDS involves the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase pathway that secrets prostaglandins; this are biological substances that causes uterine contraction. NSAIDS actually reduce menstrual blood flow not just the pain associated with menses. Acetaminophen (Paracetamol),while helpful for the pain, is not nearly as effective as the NSAIDs. Many women find that painkillers can decrease menstrual pain. If you can't tolerate ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, simple aspirin can help a lot. The effectiveness of NSAIDs builds up over time, so if your cramps are so severe that the painkillers don't do much,start taking ibuprofen every six hours up to a couple of days before you expect to get your period and continue until your cramps abate. If over-the-counter NSAIDs do not help, your doctor may prescribe a prescription NSAID such as mefenamic acid (Ponstel).


B.Using Contraceptive pills
Birth control pills contain hormones which prevent ovulation and reduce the severity of menstrual cramps.A well prescribed oral contraceptive pill may help prevent menstrual cramps. The same hormones can also be delivered through injection, a patch you wear on your skin or in a flexible ring you insert into your vagina.

Summarily the decision is up to you.This means you could go as far as taking pills if the pain is very severe and if you are someone that doesn't like pills then you could just settle for some of the highlighted preventive measures,whichever works fine for you or suits you best.

 .................."Wishing you good luck on your next menses"


Friday, April 6, 2012

The Best Guest Article of the month; By Dr.Yosep Sutandar (M.B.B.S Indonesia)

Electrocardiography Changes in Acute Coronary Syndrome.docx
Electrocardiography Changes in Acute Coronary Syndrome
Yosep Sutandar,B.Med
The definition of acute coronary syndrome depends on the specific characteristics of each element of the triad of clinical presentation (including a history of coronary artery disease),electrocardiographic changes, and biochemical cardiac markers. Acute Coronary Syndrome is a clincal spectrum consist of Unstable Angina, Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction(NSTEMI), and ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction. The main clinical finding of ACS is angina or chest pain. Early diagnosis of ACS without ST elevation is characterized on increases of Troponin, Cardiac Enzyme. If Troponin positively increases, the diagnosis is NSTEMI. And If negative, the diagnosis is unstable angina pectoris (UAP).

Electrocardiography Findings in Unstable Angina Pectoris and NSTEMI
In normal ECG, T wave would be positive in lead I, II, dan V3 until V6; and negative or inverted in lead aVR; variated in lead III, aVF, aVL, and V1; and rarely found in V2. In case of Ischemic, T wave will be inverted, symmetrical, and commonly temporary ( in symptomatic patient). In this case, myocardial injury hasn’t occur, based on assessment in CK-MB or Troponin normally contents. And the diagnosis is Unstable Angina Pectoris (UAP). Otherwise, if inverted T wave persistent, Troponin usually increases, and the diagnosis  changes from UAP to NSTEMI. UAP and NSTEMI commonly cause by non-occlusive Thrombus, mild occlusion (Spontaneously Reperfused is possible), or Collateral Circulatory Compensated Occlusion.
Typical findings of Depressed ST more than 0.5 mm(0.05 mV) in two or more lead, or deep T wave inversion and symmetric. Morphology of Depressed ST is downsloping. Depressed ST in UAP and NSTEMI tend to be transient and dynamic.

Electrocardiography Findings in STEMI
When STEMI is occurring, morphologic changes in electrocardiography occurred with time:
  1. Hyperacute T wave. In the early period of STEMI, Prominent T wave can be found in ECG. The prominent T wave is similar to Hyperacute T wave, which is T wave whose in extremity lead more than  6 mm and precordial lead more than 10 mm. Hyperacute T wave is suggestively indicate STEMI has occurred and happened 30 minutes after onset of symptoms. In the other hand, Prominent T wave is not always specifically indicates for ischemia.
  2. Early elevation of ST Segment. If occlusion is occurred for long time and has significant degree of occlusion (90% of coronary lumen) prominent T wave could be followed by ST Segment Deviation. Elevation of ST Segment indicates an irreversible injury of myocardial muscle to death cell (can be measured by Troponin Bio Marker Assessment) and the location involved the epicardial layer. The diagnosis of STEMI is enforced if there are elevation of ST segment more than 0.1 mV (1mm) in extremity lead and more than 0.2 mV (2mm) in precordial lead in two or more in consistent lead.
  3. Typical Convex elevation of ST Segment
  4. Disappearing R wave, in the other part pathologic R wave occurring.Patologic Q Wave related to transmural infarction which accompanied by fibrosis of entire wall. In 75% patient,it occurred from hours to days.
  5. Inverted T Wave.  After long period of STEMI and coronary reperfusion hasnt been implemented, elevation of ST Segment is disappearing and turning back to isoelectric line. Along with it, Inverted T Wave is occurring. T Wave normally found after days, weeks, or months.
  6. ST Segment turns back to Normal. ST segment usually stable in 12 hours, then completely resolution after 72 hours. ST Segment elevation usually disappeared in 2 weeks in 95% Inferior Myocardial Infarction and 40% Anterior Myocardial Infarction. Elevated ST Segment persistently in 2 weeks related to higher morbidity. And if ST Segment elevation settles for months, ventricle aneurism might be occurred.

Location of Acute Coronary Syndrome
To determine the location of ischemia or myocardial infarction and the prediction of involved coronary artery, two or more leads are needed.

I Lateral
V1 Septal
V4 Anterior
II Inferior
aVL Lateral
V2 Septal
V5 Lateral
III Inferior
aVF Inferior
V3 Anterior
V6 Lateral

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Which is the best country to practice as a doctor ?

Many doctors are actually at a cross road as regards where to practice...Having sacrificed so much, studying to become a doctor,choosing the best country to practice then becomes a crucial subject.    
However,doing a direct comparison of remuneration across different countries is tricky because the same salary may allow for different standards of living in different places.
But here are two possible ways to think about these comparisons, taken from a 2007 Congressional Research Service report.
One way to compare cross-country data is to adjust the salaries for purchasing power parity — that is, adjusting the numbers so that $1,000 of salary buys the same amount of goods and services in every country, providing a general sense of a physician’s standard of living in each nation.
These numbers are in the second, fourth and sixth columns of the chart below.
They show that American general practitioners and nurses earn more than their counterparts in other developed countries, and American specialist are close to the top of the pack.
DESCRIPTIONSource: Congressional Research Service (CRS) analysis of Remuneration of Health Professions, OECD Health Data 2006 (October 2006), available at []. Sorted by specialists’ compensation. Amounts are adjusted using U.S. dollar purchasing power
parities. Amounts from previous years are trended up to 2004 dollars using the annualized Bureau of
Labor Statistics Employment Cost Index for wages and salaries of health services workers in private
industry. It is not known whether wage growth in health professions in other countries was similar to
that in the United States. Amounts are from previous years for 10 countries: data for Australia,
Canada, Denmark (for specialists and nurses), Finland (for nurses), and the Netherlands are from
2003; data for Belgium (for specialists), Denmark (for general practitioners), New Zealand (for
nurses), and Sweden are from 2002; data for Switzerland and the United States (for specialists and
general practitioners) are from 2001; and data for Belgium (for general practitioners) and the United
States (for nurses) are from 2000. Ratios of salaries to GDP per capita reflect the year the data was
collected and are not adjusted for inflation. For countries that have both self-employed and salaried
professionals in a given field, the amount presented here is the higher of the two salaries. Four
countries have both salaried and self-employed specialists: the Czech Republic (where compensation
is $29,484 for salaried and $34,852 for self-employed specialists), Greece ($67,119 and $64,782), the
Netherlands ($130,911 and $252,727), and the United States ($170,300 and $229,500). One country
has both salaried and self-employed general practitioners: in the United States, salaried general
practitioners earn $134,600, compared with $154,200 if self-employed. All nurses are salaried among
this data.
Another way is look at how a doctor’s salary compares to the average national income in that doctor’s country — that is, gross domestic product per capita. These numbers are in the third column, fifth and seventh columns of the chart.
As a country’s wealth rises, so should doctors’ pay. But even accounting for this trend, the United States pays doctors more than its wealth would predict:
According to this model, the 2007 report says, “The U.S. position above the trendline indicates that specialists are paid approximately $50,000 more than would be predicted by the high U.S. GDP. General practitioners are paid roughly $30,000 more than the U.S. GDP would predict, and nurses are paid $8,000 more.”
But it’s important to keep in mind, the report notes, that health care professionals in other O.E.C.D. countries pay much less (if anything) for their medical educations than do their American counterparts. In other words, doctors and nurses in the rest of the industrialized world start their medical careers with much less student loan debt compared to medical graduates in the United States.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cure for Alzheimer's disease : An amazing research underway !

There is probably some good news for several millions of elderly people whose life have been miserably hunted by amyloid plaque forming disease.Here is an interesting piece on that.....................................

Destructive plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients have been rapidly cleared by researchers testing a cancer drug on mice.
The US study, published in the journal Science, reported the plaques were broken down at "unprecedented" speed.
Tests also showed an improvement in some brain function.
Specialists said the results were promising, but warned that successful drugs in mice often failed to work in people.
The exact cause of Alzheimer's remains unknown, but one of the leading theories involves the formation of clumps of a protein called beta-amyloid. These damage and kill brain cells, eventually resulting in memory problems and the inability to think clearly.
Clearing protein plaques is a major focus of Alzheimer's research and drugs are already being tested in human clinical trials.
In the body, the role of removing beta-amyloid falls to apolipoprotein E - or ApoE. However, people have different versions of the protein. Having the ApoE4 genetic variant is one of the biggest risk factors for developing the disease.
Helping hand Scientists at the Case Western Reserve University in Ohio were investigating ways of boosting levels of ApoE, which in theory should reduce levels of beta-amyloid.
They tested bexarotene, which has been approved for use to treat cancers in the skin, on mice with an illness similar to Alzheimer's.
Brain plaque Plaques, in brown, form around brain cells, in blue, which kills parts of the brain
After one dose in young mice, the levels of beta-amyloid in the brain were "rapidly lowered" within six hours and a 25% reduction was sustained for 70 hours.
In older mice with established amyloid plaques, seven days of treatment halved the number of plaques in the brain.
The study said there were improvements in brain function after treatment, in nest building, maze performance and remembering electrical shocks.
Researchers Paige Cramer said: "This is an unprecedented finding. Previously, the best existing treatment for Alzheimer's disease in mice required several months to reduce plaque in the brain."
In people? The research is at a very early stage, and drugs often do not make the leap from animal experiment to human treatment.
Fellow researcher Prof Gary Landreth said the study was "particularly exciting and rewarding" and held the "potential promise of a therapy for Alzheimer's disease".
However, he stressed that the drug had been tested in only three "mouse models" which simulate the early stages of the disease and are not Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's disease

  • Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia
  • Symptoms include loss of memory, mood changes, and problems with communication and reasoning
  • No one single factor has been identified as a cause for Alzheimer's disease - a combination of factors, including age, genes, environment, lifestyle and general health are implicated
  • Source: Alzheimer's Society
He warned people not to "try this at home", as the drug had not been proven to work in Alzheimer's patients and there was no indication of what any dose should be.
"We need to be clear, the drug works quite well in mouse models of the disease. Our next objective is to ascertain if it acts similarly in humans," he said.
His group is preparing to start trials in a small group of people to see if there is a similar effect in humans.
The disease is likely to become more common as people live longer. The Alzheimer's Society predicts the number of people with dementia will reach a million by 2021 in the UK alone.

Start Quote

There are a number of drugs in development that aim to clear amyloid from the brain, and the jury is still out on whether this approach will be successful as a treatment for Alzheimer's”
Dr Simon Ridley Alzheimer's Research UK
Its research manager, Dr Anne Corbett, said: "This exciting study could be the beginning of a journey towards a potential new way to treat Alzheimer's disease.
"However, this is very early days. People with Alzheimer's should not rush to get this drug, as we need much more research to establish if it has benefits for humans." Dr Simon Ridley, head of research at Alzheimer's Research UK, said the findings were "promising" but any effect was still unproven in people.
"There are a number of drugs in development that aim to clear amyloid from the brain, and the jury is still out on whether this approach will be successful as a treatment for Alzheimer's."
David Allsop, professor of neuroscience at Lancaster University, said: "I would say that the results should be treated with cautious optimism.
"It looks promising in the mouse model but in recent years, these types of experiments in mice have not translated well into humans."