This is a degenerative disease affecting the brain, in which
there is impaired memory. This is the commonest form of dementia accounting for
65% of dementia in any age group. There is a progressive loss of ability to
learn, Loss of motivation, deteriorating social behavior, Loss of emotional
control.This disease has a gradual onset and it is rare before the age of 50
years and will usually progress over ten years
What causes Alzheimer’s disease
The onset of alzeheimer dementia is unknown .Some studies
have however shown that there is a familial linkage that is can run in
Increase free radical formation and failure of the failure
of the bodies antioxidants to mop up free radicals has also been Implicated.
Clinical Features
There is a progressive loss of ability to learn
There is a progressive memory decline
Impaired ability to carry out skilled activity,
this is known as constructive apraxia
Failure to recognize objects, places or
people known as agnosia.
Progressive loss of executive function which is ability to planning,
organizing and sequencing activities
Social and behavioural changes which may
progress to include aggression, agitation, persecutory delusion and agitation, wandering
There is usually a total or relative loss of
insight wherein there is no awareness of this
The diagnosis is usually based on clinical
A Mini mental state examination is usually
carried out
investigation that can be carried out to exclude other conditions that causes
Includes CT scan, MRI, PET imaging,
psychometry, EEG
Some centers that conducts alzheimers
research conduct brain biopsy.`
Management of Dementia
There is no definitive cure for dementia,
but a lot of research are been conducted into possible cures. The management is
usually supportive .This form of management aims to preserve dignity and to
provide care for as long as possible.
There are some helpful treatments which
Use of antioxidants mainly Vit E
Anticholinesteras e inhibitors e.g Donepezil,
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist